Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wilton's Cake Decorating Class- Course 1

Yayy! So tonight was the first class to the first course of cake decorating classes that Wilton's offers. Near me, they are offered at both Michael's and Hobby Lobby, which are conveniently right across the street from each other, so it all came down to which one was a better deal. Hobby Lobby won. Anyways so Mary, her sister Carly, and I all made our way out to Hobby Lobby for the first class tonight. I'm really excited about this class! It's something I've been wanting to do, and I'm now getting the chance to do it! Yayy!

We didn't do much in today's class, we basically went over all the tools we would need and what we needed for the next class. I'm really excited...especially becuase this month the classes were offered for 1/2 off, with a 40% coupon to buy the kit...not a bad deal at all! Next week we are going to be decorating our first cake...hopefully it goes well! I'll keep you updated!

Also, today I have decided that I am going to start eating more healthy by trying to eat more organically, and less crap food. I know that I can do it becuase during my stint of wanting to be a nutritionist I ate really healthy, and actually when I'm at school I eat a lot more healthy than I do at home surprisingly. So therefore tomorrow I am headed to the grocery to buy my organic fruits and veggies and probably some good sweets to bake my next delicious treat :)

Oh and I've also decided that on my grocery adventure tomorrow I am going to hunt down the new starbucks flavored ice cream...Java Chip!
It's seriously my favorite frappuccino flavor, and I'm so excited to try it in ice cream flavor! They also come in mocha frappuccino, caramel macchiato, and coffee. I'll let you know if they are as good as they look!

Happy Almost Hump Day!

One last thing I swear, I'm new to this whole blogging thing (obviously) so please subscribe to my blog, or pass the word around! It would mean a lot to me becuase I am clearly clueless how to get started getting subscribers...

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